Rananda is an amazing teacher, who keeps reminding us about the Truth that sets us free from believing we are merely mortal creatures doomed to live in a world of pain and suffering. He keeps encouraging us to welcome our Awakening from this dream, and his powerful teachings are a great help in this endeavor. This is Rananda’s invitation to you:

“Oh, how long, my brothers, will you journey without remembering? Does not the cold of the winter’s night grow bitter to your taste? Does not the heat of the summer’s sun draw you to the well within? There is a solution! It awaits you within the softness of your inner joining with the Stranger That you have been ignoring, yet Who has always loved you. I encourage you to embody Your Higher Self or whatever you want to call the You that knows Its Source….”
For some time now, we have a website dedicated to sharing Rananda’s teachings with the world: www.rananda.org. On this website, you will find a growing collection of videos, audio recordings, prayers, transcripts, and quotes from Rananda. They all have the purpose of reminding you Who You are. We really hope, and believe, that Rananda’s teachings will bring you the same transformation and happiness they have brought us!
We encourage you to visit www.rananda.org to access these teachings. A good way of ensuring that you will receive regular updates on what is happening on this website, is to sign up for the free newsletter, which will then appear once every two weeks in your mailbox. Let yourself be inspired, let your mind and life be transformed! Or, as Rananda would say, “More Light! Be happy!”
On behalf of Magnum Opus Ministries Nederland,
Thijs Hottenhuis