Rananda keeps repeating during his teachings how important it is for us to stay in touch with our longing for God, our passion for God, our fire for God. We all have it in us, because God put it there! Yet when we get distracted by the world, we are for a moment not aware of it. When this happens, we have turned away from That Which gives us the greatest happiness!
Therefore, we owe it to ourselves, and our brothers, and our God, to stay aware of our fire for God! Rananda recently gave a beautiful teaching about exactly this subject, and we captured it on video. We highly encourage that you watch this video and are confident that it will inspire you the way it inspires us.
The Fire for God This video is all about the Love Affair between You and God. The Fire for God is what is natural! “In Your Heart is all the Love God has given You. And you have access to It. What makes that you have access to It is that you want It, you value It. There is that total desire to be with God.” Rananda.
On behalf of Magnum Opus Ministries Nederland,
Thijs Hottenhuis