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A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. As a three-volume curriculum consisting of a Text, Workbook for Students and Manual for Teachers, it teaches that the way to universal love and peace—or remembering God—is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy.


A Course in Miracles also emphasizes that it is but one version of the universal curriculum, of which there are ‘many thousands’. Consequently, even though the language of the Course is that of traditional Christianity, it expresses a non-sectarian, non-denominational spirituality. A Course in Miracles therefore is a universal spiritual teaching, not a religion.


This book contains the Combined Volume of A Course in Miracles. It includes Text, Workbook for Students, Manual for Teachers and Clarification of Terms.


Hardcover  35 euro


ISBN 9781883360252 



A Course in Miracles

€ 35,00Prijs

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