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Writer's pictureMOM Nederland

Blue Aquarius - At the feet of the master

Blue Aquarius was een band die bestond uit volgelingen van Goeroe Maharaji, Prem Pal Singh Rawat, in 1972/1973. Het was een ‘grote band’, te vergelijken met Blood, Sweat and Tears en omvatte rockmusici, koperblazers en strijkers.

Goeroe Maharaji wijdde Rananda in in meditatie en wekte in hem de herinnering op aan Bhakti Yoga, de yoga van devotie. Hij bleef actief binnen de Divine Light Mission tot hij in 1985 opnieuw geroepen werd door zijn meesters van buiten de tijd.

Waiting the word of the Master Watching the Hidden Light Listening to catch His Orders In the very midst of the fight I'm listening to catch His Orders In the very midst of the fight

Seeing His slightest signal Across the head of the throng Hearing His faintest whisper Above earth's loudest song. I'm hearing His faintest whisper Above earth's loudest song.

By His grace

By His grace

At the Feet of the master Well you can really let it go Let it flow Cause we're all love We're all love

We're all love

We're all love

We're all love

We're all love, love, love By His grace


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